Born in Kurashiki city in Okayama prefecture, Japan. From the spring 2019
have started producing the artworks.
July 2019 Memento mori Group Exhibition, synergy 73, Okayama, Japan
December 2019 ”Circle and Swirls” Solo Exhibition in Tomo no Ura a cate
May 2020 Makoto Oyamada&Ayano Exhibition, Gallery Jyuro, Okayama, Japan
August 2020 ”Circle and Swirls 2” Solo Exhibition in ao, Okayama, Japan
December 2020 Independent Tokyo 2020
I was always bad at expressing my feelings.
And from the time I was a child I was drawn to circles and swirls and
now I’m painting them, expressing my feelings through these shapes. Circle is a
soul, a swirl is an energy of emotions. And the colors express a various
emotional states.
I let all my feelings and emotions flow onto the canvas, move, swirl and create the shapes under my brushes. I don't always understand what moves me, what guides my hand. This is sort of magic of creation. And I feel incredibly relieved and happy after I finish painting. I sincerely hope that my artworks will bring joy and a light sweet sense of happiness.