Born on the 02/02/1957 at Aumale (Algeria). Education to Alger.
Studies to Marseilles and to Brest.
Diploma of doctor in medicine in 1984.
Student of Sylvie Rochereau (painter) and Yves Doaré (engraver).
We are living through an exceptional period with this pandemic. I saw it as being a real chaos with the uncertainties of doctors, those of our future, the difficulties of managing this crisis, the lack of confidence in our medical and scientific elites.
The resulting doubts made me more sensitive to the problems of the world with this evidence: climatic disturbances, population displacements, conflicts, water supply problems, socio-political problems which will result from it aggravate my uncertainties and my faith in the future. My sense of chaos was heightened to the point that in order to resist, live, and fight, it was necessary for me to express that chaos.
I live in an area where granite chaos is frequent. I draw them, I know the sense of disorder they give. My painting started from there. Trees (a recurring theme in my work) provide information on the notion of loss of reference points.